July Charity Donation

July’s charity donation was sent to Little Way Cancer Support (https://www.gofundme.com/f/rope-climb-for-little-way-cancer-support-service) for the amount of $1,014.55.
June Charity Donation

June’s charity donation has been sent to Bert’s Big Adventure (https://bertsbigadventure.org/) for the amount of $700.74.
May Charity Donation

The month of May is now over and a new donation will be sent out. Thanks to the investors of GlowV2 and those who voted, MacMillan Cancer Support will be receiving a donation of: $1,801.54
April Charity Donation

April’s charity donation of $4,100.27 went to MercyLand Christian Mission. Mercyland Christian Mission focuses primarily on rescuing orphaned and neglected children from the streets and empowering families to thrive. To learn more about MercyLand Christian go to: https://www.mercylandhaiti.org/ MercyLand Mission Statement Mercyland Christian Mission, Inc. exist to bring holistic life transformation to street orphans and […]
March Charity Donation

The community voted and the charity donation of $2,450 was sent out to War Child for the month of March. War Child is a foundation that helps children affected by conflict return to normalcy and get any help they need to thrive. To learn more about War Child head to: https://www.warchildholland.org/ War Child Mission Statement: […]
February Charity Donation

February’s charity donation was sent off to Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) Georgia. Thank you GlowV2 supporters for making all of this possible! Total donation $8,451 Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) Georgia (https://abuse.publichealth.gsu.edu/) works to strengthen families and inspire action through education, awareness and advocacy. As the state affiliate of Prevent Child Abuse America, PCA Georgia engages […]